Issue 17 (June 2020)
Topics and issues
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
Topics and issues
- 1) Floriana Colao, «Commercio d’Ebrei con Cristiani». Profiles of Tuscan criminal justice from the «ancient severe laws» to a famous Cause by Giovanni Carmignani - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.09 - PDF
- 2) Loredana Garlati, Pink crimes. Women’s Crime and Death Sentences in Milan (1471-1783) - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.06 - PDF
- 3) Giovanni Minnucci, The jurist and the theologian: Alberico Gentili vs John Rainolds. New investigations from unpublished source - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.10 - PDF
- 4) Giovanni Rossi, Delle viziose maniere del difender le cause nel foro, by G.A. Di Gennaro. Forensic procedure and judicial eloquence in mid-eighteenth century Naples - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.20 - PDF
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
- 5) Raffaella Bianchi Riva, Towards the Italian code of conduct for lawyers. Independence of the legal profession in the second half of the 20th century - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.13 - PDF
- 6) Marzia Lucchesi, A feminist comment on the civil code. Valeria Benetti Brunelli, “Women in Italian legislation” (1908) First notes on private and public law - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.18 - PDF
- 7) Paola Mastrolia, Neapolitan legal culture in the Observatory of jurisprudence. The case Costanzo and the findings of Attorney General D’Azzia (1811) - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.02 - PDF
- 8) Maria Morello, Citizen ethics and tax obligation. The doctrine of the right contribution from Thomas Aquinas to the first modern constitutions - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.12 - PDF
- 9) Marialuisa Navarra, Ad gynaecei ministerium deputari. Hard Labour in Imperial Weaving Factories - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.14 - PDF
- 10) Gustavo Adolfo Nobile Mattei, Sub terribili et fortissimo sacramento. Swearing and Perjuring in Lombard Southern Italy - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.05 - PDF
- 11) Davide Rossi, The invention of a Region. The historical roots of autonomy in Friuli, Venezia Giulia, Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia in the long twentieth century - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.21 - PDF
- 12) Massimo Tita, Law as revolution: historiographical and literary traces - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.19 - PDF
- 13) Stefano Vinci, Considerations about the re-evaluation of case law in postwar Italian legal science - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.15 - PDF
- 14) Maria Rosa Di Simone, In memory of Carlo Ghisalberti - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.03 - PDF
- 15) Mario Ascheri - Paola Maffei, Consilia extravagantia: a project of a census - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.04 - PDF
- 16) Luisa Brunori, The fairs in Tomas de Mercado’s Suma de Tratos y Contratos (1571) - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.08 - PDF
- 17) Francesca Macino, A first survey on the meanings of veritas. From the Justinian’s Corpus to the Magna glossa - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.17 - PDF
- 18) Lorenzo Piccioli, Society, economy and powers in a local community of the 16th and 17th century Tuscany, according to the records of the Atti civili del podestà: a historical source still unexplored? - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.01 - 1 marzo 2020 - PDF
- 19) Xavier Prévost, The political role of marketplaces according to one of the first French commercialists: the Traicté des negoces et traffiques (1599) by Louis Turquet de Mayerne - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.07 - PDF
- 20) Marco Cavina, The missionary, the judge, the legislator. Legal decryptions of witchcraft in sub-Saharan West Africa (sec. XVII-XX) - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.16 - PDF
- 21) Carlotta Latini, The ‘Venus’ Preamble. Delicta Carnis and Violent Kiss in the Legal Science of the Modern Ag - DOI 10.32064/17.2020.11 - PDF
Centro di studio e di ricerca per la storia della giustizia criminale