Historia et ius is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to medieval, modern and contemporary historical legal studies - ISSN 2279-7416 - Rivista riconosciuta di classe A dall'Anvur per l'area 12 (scienze giuridiche)
Indexed in: Scopus - Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ - HeinOnline
journal description - publication ethics - index of the journal
editors-in-chief: Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (University of Roma Tre - Italy) - Giovanni Rossi (University of Verona - Italy) - Elio Tavilla (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Italy)
managing editor: Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (University of Roma Tre - Italy)
deputy editor: Giordano Ferri (University of Rome Unitelma la Sapienza - Italy)
head of the editorial staff: Alfonso Alibrandi (Univ. Roma Tre - Italy)
scientific editors: Marco Cavina (University of Bologna - Italy) - Eric Gojosso (University of Poitiers - France) - Ulrike Müßig (University of Passau - Germany) - Carlos Petit (University of Huelva - Spain) - Laurent Pfister (University of Paris II - France) - Michael Rainer (University of Salzburg - Austria) - Giuseppe Speciale (University of Catania - Italy) - Arnaud Vergne (Université Paris Cité) - (†) Laurent Waelkens (University of Leuven - Belgium)
referees: The referees will be identified by the editors in the field of the historians of law by Italian Universities (full professors of "medieval and modern legal history") and by abroad Universities.If necessary, appraisers outside the disciplinary field will also be involved. On annual basis the magazine will indicate the identity of the scholars who carried out the evaluation of the published texts.
editorial staff: Cecilia Pedrazza Gorlero (University of Verona) - Francesca Sigismondi (University of Roma "La Sapienza") - Gianmarco Palmieri (Università di Bologna)
mail: [email protected]
address: paolo alvazzi del frate - dipartimento di giurisprudenza - via ostiense 159 - 00154 Roma (Italy)
Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Roma - n. 324/2011 del 27.10.2011
journal description - publication ethics - index of the journal
Indexed in: Scopus - Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ - HeinOnline
journal description - publication ethics - index of the journal
editors-in-chief: Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (University of Roma Tre - Italy) - Giovanni Rossi (University of Verona - Italy) - Elio Tavilla (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Italy)
managing editor: Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (University of Roma Tre - Italy)
deputy editor: Giordano Ferri (University of Rome Unitelma la Sapienza - Italy)
head of the editorial staff: Alfonso Alibrandi (Univ. Roma Tre - Italy)
scientific editors: Marco Cavina (University of Bologna - Italy) - Eric Gojosso (University of Poitiers - France) - Ulrike Müßig (University of Passau - Germany) - Carlos Petit (University of Huelva - Spain) - Laurent Pfister (University of Paris II - France) - Michael Rainer (University of Salzburg - Austria) - Giuseppe Speciale (University of Catania - Italy) - Arnaud Vergne (Université Paris Cité) - (†) Laurent Waelkens (University of Leuven - Belgium)
referees: The referees will be identified by the editors in the field of the historians of law by Italian Universities (full professors of "medieval and modern legal history") and by abroad Universities.If necessary, appraisers outside the disciplinary field will also be involved. On annual basis the magazine will indicate the identity of the scholars who carried out the evaluation of the published texts.
editorial staff: Cecilia Pedrazza Gorlero (University of Verona) - Francesca Sigismondi (University of Roma "La Sapienza") - Gianmarco Palmieri (Università di Bologna)
mail: [email protected]
address: paolo alvazzi del frate - dipartimento di giurisprudenza - via ostiense 159 - 00154 Roma (Italy)
Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Roma - n. 324/2011 del 27.10.2011
journal description - publication ethics - index of the journal