Issue 19 (June 2021)
Topics and issues
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
Topics and issues
- 1) Dario Luongo, Against the «spirito di severità»: Guarantees and mitigation of criminal devices in Tommaso Briganti - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.01 - paper 1 - PDF
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
- 2) Alessandro Agrì, The ‘State of Fiume’ and its law (1918-1924) - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.16 - paper 16 - PDF
- 3) Andrés Botero Bernal, The (judicial) oath in the Old Spanish-American Regime. Conceptualization, delimitation, and classification - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.10 - paper 10 - PDF
- 4) Angelina Cirillo, Two ‘twin’ Consultations of the Austrian viceroyalty: Neapolitan institutional conflicts and imperial irenism - DOI 10.32064/19.2020.05 - paper 5 - PDF
- 5) Tiziana Ferreri, Civic uses in Viterbo between 16th and 17th centuries: the reform of Paul III and the City Statute of 1649 - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.13 - paper 13 - PDF
- 6) Marco P. Geri, Between code and «osservanze giudiciali»: Giuseppe Puccioni at the twilight of the criminal law of the Grand Duchy (1838-1856) - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.11 - paper 11 - PDF
- 7) Ferruccio Maradei, «Dal foro alle cattedre». Pathways of Criminal law handbooks in the eighteenth-century Naples between academic autonomy and methodical experimentations - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.08 - paper 8 - PDF
- 8) Paola Mastrolia, Legal transfer. Space regulation in Napoleonic Milan - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.06 - paper 6 - PDF
- 9) Marianna Pignata, The treatment for the insane in the Progetto di Stabilimento per alienati proposed by Biagio Gioacchino Miraglia - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.18 - paper 18 - PDF
- 10) Paolo Rondini, Refoulements of foreigners in post-unity Italy, DOI 10.32064/19.2021.20 - paper 20 - PDF
- 11) Gian Paolo Trifone, A relevant judgment, an old question and an (unfortunate) inaugural report of a judicial year in the Supreme Court - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.15 - paper 15 - PDF
- 12) Natale Vescio, Felice Battaglia and the political legacy of the Historical Right. Liberal State and ‘democracy’ in the thought of Francesco Fiorentino and Angelo Camillo De Meis - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.17 - paper 17 - PDF
- 13) Paolo Alvazzi del Frate, Law and “invention” of nature in the 18th Century - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.14 - paper 14 - PDF
- 14) Mario Ascheri, Gaiche and its local law: a community on the border of the Perusian district - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.03 - paper 3 - PDF
- 15) Francesco Eriberto d’Ippolito, Considerations on the birth of the mercantile economy in Naples between eighteenth and nineteenth century - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.12 - paper 12 - PDF
- 16) Giordano Ferri, An Uruguayan lesson by Francesco Carnelutti. The synthesis of his thought - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.07 - PDF
- 17) Salvatore Prisco, About epidemics. A path between law and literature. First notes of travel - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.04 - paper 4 - PDF
- 18) Francesco Romano, Antonio Cammelli, The history of a juridical institution through the documents of the IS-LeGI database: the term ‘contumacia’ - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.09 - paper 9 - PDF
- 19) Giovanni Rossi, Alciato’s defense of Justinian: an exemplary use of historical sources - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.19 - paper 19 - PDF
- 20) Elio Tavilla, Bartolomeo Valdrighi (1739-1787): a biographical reinterpretation - DOI 10.32064/19.2021.02 - paper 2 - PDF