Num. 24 - December 2023
In memoriam
Topics and issues
Studi (valutati tramite blind peer review)
In memoriam
- 1) Prof. Piero Bellini (1926-2023) - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.08 - by Faustinio de Gregorio - PDF
- 2) Prof. Luigi Berlinguer (1932-2023) - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.16 - by Floriana Colao - PDF
Topics and issues
- 3) Paolo Passaniti, Between freedom and submission. Contractual work in the legal and institutional schemes of medieval doctrine - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.14 - PDF
Studi (valutati tramite blind peer review)
- 4) Andrea Errera, Aurelio Candian in University Documents - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.05 - PDF
- 5) Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, «Sanctity» and «Sacredness» in International Law between the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.04 - PDF
- 6) Manuel Guțan, Importing authoritarianism: the second French Empire and the fight for parliamentarianism during the reign of Prince Cuza (1859-1866) - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.10 - PDF
- 7) Andrea Massironi, The militia of the innocent: the juvenile delinquent in the Early Modern Age
- - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.09 - PDF
- 8) Gabriele Massimiliano Ragusa, Between methods and models. Civil law lessons by Giacomo Venezian: the two-years course of Successions (1897-99) - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.01 - PDF
- 9) Giovanni Rossi, Notes on the fortunes of the ‘Codex Iustinianus’ and the vicissitudes of the ‘Tres Libri’: from Pepone to Alciato - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.07 - PDF
- 10) Gabriele Russo, The social reintegration of prisoners in penal legislation in 19th century Italy - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.13 - PDF
- 11) Luca Jacopo Salvadori, Mutualism in 19th century: a European comparison - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.12 - PDF
- 12) Elio Tavilla, Epidemics and contagions in history and law. Reflections prompted by Ludovico Muratori’s Del governo della peste - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.06 - PDF
- 13) Ardian Emini - Xhemshit Shala, The legal basis for the functioning of the Albanian state and government in 1912 - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.03 - PDF
- 14) Dario Ippolito, The Science of Legislation. An introduction to the legal thought of Gaetano Filangeri - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.02 - PDF
- 15) Fulvio Mancuso, An liceat resistere iudici, first notes for a historical-juridical study on the right of resistance in the Middle Ages - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.15 - PDF
- 16) Cesare Pinelli, The concept of sovereignty between Bartolo and modern thinkers. Reflections of a constitutional scholar - DOI 10.32064/24.2023.11 - PDF