Num. 25 - June 2024
Topics and issues
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
Topics and issues
- 1) Paolo Marchetti, Chains of the body and chains of the soul. A short history of the crime of plagio in the Italian juridical experience - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.07 - PDF
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
- 2) Alessandro Agrì, The persecution complex and the mute love of the chaste monomaniacs within the correspondence between Vincenzo Ingo and Cesare Lombroso (1883-1895) - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.09 - PDF
- 3) Paolo Alvazzi del Frate, Economic Freedom and the Ancien Régime: Notes on the First Suppression of Guilds in France in 1776 - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.12 - PDF
- 4) Alarico Barbagli, The «Regia Giunta di Giurisdizione» of the Duchies of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla at the end of «Ancien Régime». A supreme dicastery for relationships between the State and the Church - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.12 - PDF
- 5) Luigi Gennaro, Agriculture and agricultural contracts in the Lombard documents from the archive of St. Sofia of Benevento (8th-11th centuries) - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.15 - PDF
- 6) Gaetano Antonio Gualtieri,Auctoritas, ius and history in Diritto Universale by Giambattista Vico - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.01 - PDF
- 7) Giuseppe Mazzanti, «Quod per duellum acquiritur, de iure acquiritur». On Dante and the Trial by Combat at the End of the Middle Ages - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.10 - PDF
- 8) Claudia Passarella, Criminal Identification and Fingerprint Technology in England and Norway at the Dawn of a New Era - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.14 - 1 June 2024 - PDF
- 9) Chiara Valsecchi - Pompeo Volpe, Maidens, celibates and the failure to be appointed university professor: a case of male discrimination between 1939 and 1943? - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.13 - PDF
- 10) Mark Vermeer, Illegitimate children between testamentary law and practice in the sixteenth-century Low Countries - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.17 - PDF
- 11) Mouhamadou Ba, The inalienability of the land in African customary law - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.04 - PDF
- 12) Elisabetta D’Amico, On the occasion of a violence against women case at 19th century: expertises, Lombroso and Doctor Ry. - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.05 - PDF
- 13) Alessandro Dani, Livorno and the Immigrants -DOI 10.32064/25.2024.03 - PDF
- 14) Avdullah Robaj - Veton Robaj, Historical Development of the Judiciary in Kosovo - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.11 - 1 May 2024 - PDF
- 15) Angela Santangelo Cordani, The parish priest and the parish in the medieval system of ecclesiastical benefits (about Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet, L’évêque, le prêtre et la paroisse au Moyen Âge (VIe-XIIIe siècle) - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.06 - PDF
- 16) Gavino Scala, The manuscript tradition of Guillaume Durand’s Speculum legatorum (c. 1279): prolegomenon to the critical edition - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.08 - PDF
- 17) Cristina Vano, Receptions, Legal Transplants, Translations. On the promiscuous uses of new and old historiographical categories - DOI 10.32064/25.2024.16 - PDF