Issue 15 (June 2019)
Spanish texts
- 1) Giovanni Minnucci, The Reformation, Canon Law and Protestant jurists: some reflections [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.01] - PDF
- 2) Alessandro Somma, Towards the Great transformation. First World War and market regulation in the Italian legal tradition - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.02] - PDF
- 3) Sonia Abis, The imputability of the drunk. Conceptual links between XVI and XVII centuries - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.03] - PDF
- 4) Alarico Barbagli, Modern jurists between fidelity to mos italicus and suggestions to the Elegant jurisprudence. The humanistic quotations in the Tractatus de mercatura by Benvenuto Stracca (1553) - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.04] - PDF
- 5) Caterina Bonzo, A cross-section of institutional life in the correspondence between Federigo Sclopis and Quintino Sella (1861-1877) - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.05] - PDF
- 6) Francesca De Rosa - Ludovico Maremonti, Constitution, repression, seizure and confiscation: year 1848 in Naples and the story of Eugenio de Riso - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.06] - PDF
- 7) Dave De ruysscher, Ius commune legal scholarship and coherence: the author's structure - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.07] - PDF
- 8) Enrico Fameli, Allodium, feud and municipal goods. Legal borders between real situations in a controversy of the modern age - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.08] - PDF
- 9) Fulvio Mancuso, The reservation of ownership in the notarial formularies: the beginning of its diffusion in Modern Age” - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.09] - PDF
- 10) Francesca Macino, On European legal historiography of the nineteenth century on the subject of Lombard law - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.09] - PDF
- 11) Marvin Messinetti, Legal regulation of slavery in Spanish colonies during the XVIII century. The experience of the “Compañia Gaditana de Negros” - - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.11] - PDF
- 12) Matteo Moro, Giovanni Maria Cesa v Tax Collectors of the Commune of Vercelli (1566-67) Case. A Contribution to the Study of Foreign Workers in the Duchy of Savoy after the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.12] - PDF
- 13) Gustavo Adolfo Nobile Mattei, “Coram Caesarea Maiestate”. Alciato, Socini and the Württemberg controversy: At the junction between law and politics - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.13] - PDF
- 14) Mario Riberi, The legal status of the Waldensians in the States of Savoy through the opinions of Carlo Luigi Caissotti - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.14] - PDF
- 15) Simone Rosati, The category of the “domini collettivi” in the Italian legal culture between the 19th and the 20th century - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.15] - PDF
- 16) Filippo Rossi, ‘'Purifying' and 'selecting' migratory flows. The Argentinian National Labour Law Draft (1904) and foreign workers - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.16] - PDF
- 17) Marco Urbano Sperandio, Some observations on the Fragmenta iuris del Codex Vaticanus Latinus n. 5766 - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.17] - PDF
- 18) Stefania Torre, Jurists at the war front. The Great War of Sergio Panunzio - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.18] - PDF
- 19) Paolo Alvazzi del Frate, Laudatio of Mario Caravale - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.19] - PDF
- 20) Maria Rosa Di Simone, Duties and rights of the “ladies” in the thought of Giovanni Battista De Luca [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.20] - PDF
- 21) Carlo Fantappié, The Invention of the Public Competition - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.21] - PDF
- 22) Livio Gucciardo, The house arrest of Lampedusa (1872-1883) - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.22] - PDF
- 23) Francesco Mastroberti, The inquiry activities for the for the wicked homicide of Carmina di Lucia (1767-1769): an “irresolute” criminal case in the Reign of Naples during age of Enlightenment - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.23] - PDF
- 24) Giacomo Pace Gravina, Jurists and power in modern Sicily: the Perremuto [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.24] - PDF
- 25) Blerton Sinani, A legal-historical overview of the judicial review of administrative action in the Republic of North Macedonia - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.25] - PDF
- 26) Damigela Hoxha, Legal masculinisation. Notes between religion, anthropology and law - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.26] - PDF
Spanish texts
- 27) Víctor Gautier Fernández, Navarra in the hispanic monarchy: some key elements in their integration - [DOI 10.32064/15.2019.27] - PDF