Issue 16 (December 2019)
Topics and issues
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
Topics and issues
- 1) Riccardo Ferrante, Law, justice and sovereignty in XVI century France. Notes for a history of the “legality” in continental Europe - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.01] - PDF
- 2) Dario Luongo, Giuseppe Grippa: a Feudality Defensor, Following Beccaria - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.02] - PDF
- 3) Giovanni Rossi, “A spark of being into the lifeless thing”: Mary Shelley’s creature between right to happiness and utopia denied - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.03] - PDF
Studies (blind peer reviewed)
- 4) Raffaella Bianchi Riva, The defence of obedience to superior orders in Italian transitional justice: law, ethics and politics - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.04] - PDF
- 5) Pierpaolo Bonacini, Justice and Military Organisation in the Duchy of Este in the first Modern Age (XVI-XVII Centuries) - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.05] - PDF
- 6) Francesco Campobello, Bianca Guidetti Serra’s Work and the Twentieth Century Paradigm Shift in Adoption Law - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.06] - PDF
- 7) Angelina Cirillo, The Francesco M. de Robertis’ Middle Ages. Profiles of historico-juridical research of the XX century - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.07] - PDF
- 8) Francesco D’Urso, Estates in search for an owner. The XIX century evolution of the ecclesiastical benefice, with particular reference to German legal science - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.08] - PDF
- 9) Alessia Di Stefano, State legislation, judicial decisions and diplomatic initiatives for the protection of Italian migrants in the United States between the end of the Nineteenth Century and the beginning of the Twentieth Century: an ongoing research - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.09] - PDF
- 10) Tiziana Ferreri, The Legal Status of Foreigner and the ‘Albinaggio’ Right: the Contribution of the Canonistic to the Scientia iuris of the Intermediate Age - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.10] - PDF
- 11) Emanuela Fugazza, The italian judicial-commercial science after the unification of the country. The scientific debuts of Alberto Marghieri, Adolfo Sacerdoti, David Supino - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.11] - PDF
- 12) Elisabetta Fusar Poli, The juridictions mixtes between Egypt and Europe. Cues from Eduardo Piola Caselli’s writings and documents - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.12] - PDF
- 13) Giuseppe Mazzanti, Qui cum iumento et pecore coierit, morte moriatur: pecus quoque occidite (Lev 20, 15). The crime of bestiality and the death penalty for animals in modern legal thinking - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.13] - PDF
- 14) Eloisa Mura, Filippo Vassalli from the Initial Studies of Roman Law to the Genoese Chair of Civil Law (1907-1918) - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.14] - PDF
- 15) Sandro Notari, The Turiozzi Commission and the Pope Leo XII’s reform of civil judicial system (1823-1824) - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.15] - PDF
- 16) Andrea Panzarola, Iudex secundum allegata et probata (partium) iudicare debet. About an ancient brocardo and a recent interpretation - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.16] - PDF
- 17) Gianluca Russo, “Di giustizia orribil arte”. Blasphemy and Iconography in Late Renaissance Florence - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.17] - PDF
- 18) Stefania T. Salvi, Jurists on the run in Sixteenth-century Europe. Exiles religionis causa and ‘new’ legal perceptions - [10.32064/16.2019.18] - PDF
- 19) Alberto Spinosa, Law History and historical Time Partitions. The Interpretations of Twentieth Century. Reflection points - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.19] - PDF
- 20) Maria Sole Testuzza, Refuting Ethnicism. Clemente Tosi’s On the East Indies (1669) - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.20] - PDF
- 21) Ferdinando Treggiari, Gold or conscience. The testamentary trust in the age of codification
- - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.21] - PDF
- 22) Chiara Valsecchi, Public economy, good governance and people’s living conditions. A voice from the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.22] - PDF
- 23) Francesca De Rosa, Administrative procedures to control migratory movements in the Kingdom of Naples (1798-1809) - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.23] - PDF
- 24) Alan Sandonà, Processes relating to rights on commons in the 16th century Venetian Terraferma: first notes - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.24] - PDF
- 25) Francesca Laura Sigismondi, Alessandro Brugiotti and the river law: notes on late ius commune - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.25] - PDF
- 26) Antonio Tisci, About the inquiry commissions for the Angevin government of the Kingdom of Sicily - [DOI 10.32064/16.2019.26] - PDF